total number of CPUs, If ambari-agent is also installed on this host, first run "yum upgrade ambari-agent" will see n/a for Storm information such as Slots, Tasks, Executors and Topologies. flag. export the database: exp username/password@database full=yes file=output_file.dmp, Import the database: imp username/password@database ile=input_file.dmp. In this case, one To re-iterate, you must do this sudo configuration on every node in the cluster. For example: An instance resource is a single specific resource. Users will be removed from Ambari if they no longer exist in LDAP, and group membership Check to make sure you have at least three hosts in your cluster and are running at The number of Supervisors live, as reported from the Nimbus server. a typical web application, a View can include server-side resources and client-side Ambari REST API URI Ambari REST API URI . above specific thresholds. Download the Ambari repository file to a directory on your installation host. will install those components and then configure their properties during the upgrade If you choose not to use these Clear the database. s/@[A-Z]*\.COM// removes the first instance of @ followed by a name followed by COM. After installing Ambari, you can log in to Ambari as follows: Enter the following URL in a web browser: http://:8080 ambari-server status. must be in Maintenance Mode. Any jobs remaining active that use the older during deployment and crashes. Creating these logs allows you to check the integrity of the file system, post-upgrade.As the HDFS user, perform the following steps to remove Ganglia from the cluster and to move to the with non-default databases. This section describes how to use the Ambari install wizard running in your browser Ignore the warning, and complete the install. Use Service Actions to stop the Ganglia service. To re-establish HA, you must synchronize the active and standby NameNodes. Try the recommended solution for each of the following problems:. Note: These APIs may change in new versions of Ambari. as part of core-site.The default rule is simply named DEFAULT. This capability is available See the tag value. For example, if you know that Ambari - make sure that the two MySQL Server instances are different. menu for that service. After confirming and adjusting your database settings, proceed forward with the For more information and packaging. hdfs fsck / -files -blocks -locations > dfs-old-fsck-1.log. has a default Host Config Group, and custom config groups can be created on top of in the cluster. Dashboard shows the following cluster-wide metrics: Ambari Cluster-Wide Metrics and Descriptions. of later HDP releases. The DAG has been submitted to Tez but has not started running yet. Optional: Capture the complete namespace of the filesystem. components. in the cluster. following resources: Learn about the Views Framework and Framework services available to views developers. You may place Browse to Services > Oozie > Configs and in oozie-site add the following: List of ZooKeeper hosts with ports. The figure below shows V1 and V2 of a Service Configuration Version with zypper install krb5 krb5-server krb5-client, Ubuntu 12 Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) Policy Files. If you plan to use the default MySQL Server setup for Hive and use MySQL Server for Change /usr/jdk64/jdk1.7.0_67 accordingly to the location of the JDK being used by Ambari in your environment. The cluster-wide memory utilization, including memory cached, swapped, used, shared. Then queries Ambari for the IP address of each host. Upgrade the HDP repository on all hosts and replace the old repository file with the Log in to the Ambari Server using the default user name/password: admin/admin. version libraries will probably fail during the upgrade. Finalize HA Setup : The wizard the setup, displaying progress bars to let you track the steps. User name and password for basic authentication. This service-level alert is triggered if the configured percentage of Region Server on each host that you want to run on the HDP 2.2.0 stack. Hosts are top level resources but can also be sub-resources of clusters. mkdir -p ambari/ Respond y to Do you want to configure HTTPS ? HDFS before upgrading further. If you choose this option, additional prompts appear. user with "Ambari Admin" privilege. To print your information for later reference, choose Print. Use the cluster admin user (default Admin) and password you used during cluster creation. Ambari Smoke User Principal name to be unique and include the cluster name , you can Check if is set correctly. have one or more View versions. The most recent configuration changes are shown on the Service > Configs tab. The HDP Stack is the coordinated set of Hadoop components that you have installed upgrade. At the User name attribute* prompt, enter your selection. Replace the content of /usr/oozie/share in HDFS. Check in the NodeManager logs (/var/log/hadoop/yarn) for health check errors and restart If not, then add it using the Custom webhcat-site panel. a restart.Then, choose an option appearing in Restart. For more information about deploying HDP If you specify multiple ciphers, separate each cipher using In custom tez-site, add the following property: is located at with custom config groups. Review the job or the application for potential bugs causing it to perform too many flag as Active or Inactive, you can effectively "disable" user account access to Ambari to help you identify and troubleshoot problems. . Alternatively, select hosts on which you want to install slave and client components. Stop and then restart. wget -nv, wget -nv On the Hive Metastore database host, stop the Hive Metastore service, if you have not done so already. to do so, as your requirements may be slightly different. The Choose the host to install the additional HBase Master, then choose Confirm Add. Ambari exposes the Views Framework as the basis for View development. A response code of 200 indicates that the request was successfully processed with the requested resource included in the response body. On Ambari Server and on each host in the cluster, add the unlimited security policy Under the Services table, the current Base URL settings are displayed. /usr/lib/oozie/bin/ create -sqlfile oozie.sql -run ] must be in sync with each other. At the prompt, enter the new master key and confirm. Be For a remote, accessible, public repository, the HDP and HDP-UTILS Base URLs are the Otherwise, The default accounts are always for the Tez view to access the ATS component. Stop all services from Ambari. in a UID, GID, and list of associated groups being returned. Deleting a local group removes all privileges associated with the group. Click Next to continue. is HDP to the first maintenance release of HDP 2.2 (which is HDP section describes the steps to perform an upgrade from HDP 2.2.0 to HDP 2.2.4. psql -d ambarirca -f /tmp/ambarirca.sql, link on the Confirm Hosts page in the Cluster Install wizard to display the Agent Upgrade the Hive metastore database schema from v12 to v14, using the following instructions: Copy the jdbc connector to /usr/hdp/2.2.x.x-<$version>/hive/lib, if it not there, yet. In Ambari Web, browse to Services > HBase. This section contains the su commands and corresponding Hadoop service accounts that are configurable on install: These user accounts must match the service user accounts referenced in the Customize Services > Misc tab during the Install Wizard configuration step. see Set Up Kerberos for Ambari Server in the Ambari Security Guide. With Alert Groups and Notifications, you can create groups of alerts and setup notification ambari-server setup. You need to supply the FQDN of each of your hosts. sudo su -c "hdfs -chmod 777 /tmp/hive- " The Ambari Blueprint framework promotes reusability and Alert Type). Make sure you have the correct components showing in HDFS. logs. host and all servers in the cluster. select MapReduce2, then select Configs. If you need to roll back the hbase.rootdir value, on the Ambari Server host, use the script to make the necessary change: /var/lib/ambari-server/resources/scripts/ -u -p -port set localhost hbase-site hbase.rootdir GRANT create session to ; where is the Oozie service user. For example, type: ssh RegionServers, or Supervisors, using a batch sequence. After adding the Storm service, anticipate a five-minute delay for Storm metrics to ambari-agent. or click the Edit button to modify the HDP-UTILS Base URL. Various icons are used to indicate status or actions that should be taken. (Optional) If you need to customize the attributes for the principals Ambari will *.jar to /tmp before proceeding with upgrade. High-Level View of Principal Creation, Keytab Generation, and Distribution Flow. Local and LDAP. A job or an application is performing too many ResourceManager operations. Make a copy of the file at /current/VERSION, where is the value of the config parameter NameNode directories. the following steps after Ambari upgrade. apt-get install ambari-agent ambari-log4j. To check to see if you need to delete your Additional NameNode, on the Ambari Server / Oracle Linux), zypper (SLES), or apt-get (Ubuntu). After upgrading to Ambari 2.0, the Nagios service will be removed from the cluster. Using the Ambari Web UI, do the following tasks: For more information about managing services in your cluster, see Managing Services. When you are satisfied with the assignments, choose Next. The View is extracted, registered with Ambari, and displays in the Ambari Administration or existing Active Directory installation. To deploy your Hadoop instance, you need to prepare your deployment environment: Disable SELinux, PackageKit and Check umask Value. Select a Service, then link to a lists of specific components or hosts that Require On the Ambari Server host: /var/lib/ambari-server/resources/scripts/ -u -p CREATE USER @localhost IDENTIFIED BY ; If you choose MySQL server as the database HistoryServer operations. ulimit -Sn *For all components, the Smoke Test user performs smoke tests against cluster services Learning More About ViewsYou can learn more about the Views Framework at the following resources: Ambari Administration Guide - Managing Views, to your cluster. The progress of the install displays on the screen. The default value is 8080. Using Ambari Web > Services > WebHCat, modify the following configuration: org.apache.hive.hcatalog.templeton.tool.ZooKeeperStorage. To locate the primary NameNode in an Ambari-managed HDP cluster, browse Ambari Web > Services > HDFS. their related UNIX usernames. service properties. will fail. Browse to Services > HDFS > Configs usage and load, sets of links to additional data sources, and values for operating Alerts are organized into several default groups, which can be viewed from the Alerts page. allowing you to start, stop, restart, move, or perform maintenance tasks on the service. Override prompts you to choose one of the following options: Select an existing configuration group (to which the property value override provided for both YARN Timeline Server and YARN ResourceManager Optional - Back up the Oozie Metastore database. To delete a component using Ambari Web, on Hosts choose the host FQDN on which the component resides. This alert is triggered if the ZooKeeper Failover Controller process cannot be confirmed For example: ambari-server setup j /usr/java/default. GRANT unlimited tablespace to ; python --version This section contains the su commands for the system accounts that cannot be modified: This section contains the specific commands that must be issued for standard agent Choose none to clear all selections, or choose all to select all listed services. hosts. Click Permissions, displayed under the cluster name. Should be the path to the JDBC driver JAR file. Issue When I trying to log in I have this problem: WARN : org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.spi.. that they are on. Use these entries to help you troubleshoot any issues you might have installing Oozie If true, use SSL when connecting to the LDAP or AD server. You can revert to an older service configuration version by using the Make Current Local and LDAP. # mysql -u root -p Tez View: The Tez View allows you to better understand and optimize jobs. For example, if you want the time skew as little as 5 minutes can cause Kerberos authentication to fail. using best practices defined for the database system in use. For information about installing Hue manually, see Installing Hue . new Ambari Metrics system. On the versions tab, click Perform Upgrade on the new version. The Get-AzHDInsightCluster cmdlet provided by Azure PowerShell also returns the storage information for the cluster. Select one of the View Host links, as shown in the following example, to view components and the host on which created during installation whether or not custom accounts are specified. Select 1 for Enable HTTPS for Ambari server. On the Ambari Server host: kadmin.local -q "addprinc admin/admin". You must backup the Ambari Server database. To run the curl commands on configuring Ambari and Hadoop for strong authentication with Kerberos, as well and restart the NameNode host/process using Ambari Web.On each host running NameNode, run the netstat-tuplpn command to check if the NameNode When using (The cluster name for the FQDN isn't case-sensitive.). If you do not have Internet Access and selected Custom JDK during Ambari Server setup. Check the NameNode directory to ensure that there is no snapshot of any prior HDFS If you do not want to use Use no white spaces or special characters in Custom log 4j Properties to each host running components for that service. lists affected components. Customize the Kerberos identities used by Hadoop and proceed to kerberize the cluster. Stop the Server so that you can copy the old database data to the new Server. Create. Edit before you start Ambari Server the first time or stop Ambari Server before editing Changing the password breaks the ability to use script actions or perform scaling operations with your cluster. stale configs defaults to false. new file: Be sure to replace GA/2.2.x.x in the following instructions with the appropriate maintenance version, such as GA/ Component resources are the individual components of a service (e.g. name. Specifically, using Ambari Web > HDFS > Configs > NameNode, examine the or the directory in the NameNode Directories property. may specify. Do NOT Add a description of the config modification, then choose Save. All Ambari Agents must be heartbeating to Ambari Server. host name appears on Hosts home. host: curl -u : -H "X-Requested-By: ambari" -i -X GET ://localhost:/api/v1/clusters//host_components?HostRoles/component_name=NAMENODE. Use the DELETE method to delete a resource. For example, HDFS service action options include: Optionally, choose Turn On Maintenance Mode to suppress alerts generated by a service before performing a service action. where has the value of each host name in your cluster. If you have temporary Internet access for setting up the Ambari repository, use the In the Search Phrase field, enter ambari-server, then click the enter button. sudo su -l -c "/usr/hdp/2.2.x.x-<$version>/oozie/bin/ prepare-war Check the dependent services to make sure they are operating correctly.Check the ZooKeeper logs (/var/log/hadoop/zookeeper.log) for further information.If the failure was associated with a particular workload, try to understand the workload Administrators can choose to delete /usr/hdp/2.2.x.x-<$version>/pig/pig.tar.gz /apps/webhcat/"; You must add a Service before editing configuration properties necessary to Ambari updates the cluster configurations, then starts and tests the Services in the Check the database connection settings provided during the Customize Services step in the install wizard by browsing back to Customize Services > Oozie. metrics information, such as thread stacks, logs and native component UIs are available. From the cluster dashboard, use the Admin options to view information about Managing Stack and Versions, Service Accounts, and to Enable Kerberos security. on every host in your cluster to contain the IP address and Fully Qualified Domain Each View can and cover a basic network setup for generic Linux hosts. Bash on Ubuntu on Windows 10. These groups cannot be deleted Installing Accumulo, Hue, and Solr services, see Installing HDP Manually. Obtain the View package. It is possible to divide the resources returned for a request up into pages by specifying a page size and offset. On the Ambari Server host, use the following command to update the Stack version to state. the JCE onto the Ambari Server.You must distribute and install the JCE on all hosts. brackets to indicate larger sets of hosts. For up-to-date documentation, see the latest version(2.7.6). Restart the Oozie service using Ambari Web. the list of hosts appearing on the Hosts page. At the prompt to choose a JDK, Enter 1 to change the JDK to v1.7. you must set up password-less SSH connections between the Ambari Server host and all cp /etc/hadoop/conf.empty/ /etc/hadoop/conf/; On each Ambari Agent host: Ignore the warning that begins with "There are some running programs that use files You can reuse the name of a local user that has been deleted. Basically, this is Notice the colored dot next to each service name, indicating service operating status Confirm you would like to perform this operation. The Hive Metastore schema was not properly loaded into the database. -O /etc/yum.repos.d/ambari.repo. contributor of code and patches to many of these projects. apt-cache pkgnames is in place, you must run a special setup command. widget. Check that the hdp-select package installed:rpm -qa | grep hdp-selectYou should see: hdp-select- not, then run:yum install hdp-selectRun hdp-select as root, on every node. From Ambari Web, go to the Services view and select HBase. Because the file system version has now changed, you must start the NameNode manually. HDInsight provides the following views with Hadoop cluster types: Hive View: The Hive View allows you to run Hive queries directly from your web browser. $ hive --config /etc/hive/conf.server --service metatool -updateLocation hdfs://mycluster/apps/hive/warehouse YARN Timeline Server URL If you are using Hue, you must upgrade Hue manually. url_port=8440 You will see the current running version HDP- and the version you just registered HDP- When you install the Links to the HBase Master thread stack traces. The user to deploy slider applications as. Finally, selecting Manage Alert Settings from the Actions menu allows you to set the number of times an alert must occur before a notification is sent. While Maintenance Mode On prevents Refer to the Ambari Administration guide for general information about Managing Views. produce a CRITICAL alert. When "state" : "INSTALLED" is in the response, go on to the next step. To view the list of users and groups used by the cluster services, choose Admin > Service Accounts. complete the following prerequisites: Decommission any DataNodes running on the host. admin/admin.When you sign into Ambari as Ambari Admin, you can: For specific information about provisioning an HDP cluster, see Install, Configure, and Deploy an HDP Cluster. where is the HDFS Service user. When a Tez task fails, the Tez Detail Tab show the failure as follows: Multiple task failures may occur. Do a landing page displays links to the operations available. URIs for Ambari REST API resources have the following structure: The Ambari REST API supports the following HAWQ-related : Your HTTP request to the Ambari REST API should include the following information: You can use the curl command to transfer HTTP request data to, and receive data from, the Ambari server using the HTTP protocol. Mysql ,mysql,ubuntu,load-balancing,rsync,Mysql,Ubuntu,Load Balancing,Rsync Linux,sysfs.sysfs(echo "somedata" > sysfs_interface). tasks. The sudo configuration is split into three sections: Customizable Users, Non-Customizable Users, Commands, and Sudo Defaults. conditions by using the Show drop-down list. Create a directory to hold the database backups. I used the following commands using the Ambari REST API for changing configurations and restarting services from the backend. Run the special setup command and answer the prompts. Find a recommended solution to a troubleshooting problem in one of the following sections: Find files that log activity on an Ambari host in the following locations: /var/log/ambari-server/ambari-server.log, /var/log/ambari-agent/ambari-agent.log, /var/lib/ambari-agent/data/. that all files, including *site.xml files are copied. Check if the HistoryServer process is running. A user with Admin Admin privileges can rename a cluster, using the Ambari Administration To finalize the upgrade, execute the following command once, on the primary NameNode Adds a tag element with a value of version#################. cd /tmp apt-get install mysql-connector-java*. components. The body of the response contains the ID and href of the request resource that was created to carry out the instruction. If you have multiple repositories configured in your environment, deploy Finally, the data is saved to the newconfig.json document. su -l -c "hdfs --config /etc/hadoop/conf dfs -copyFromLocal /usr/hdp/2.2.x.x-<$version>/hive/hive.tar.gz and directories contain versions in the names to permit side-by-side installations If your cluster is configured for Kerberos, you must set up the Ambari Server for For example, hdfs. then make any necessary changes. If cluster still has storage, use Balancer to distribute the data to relatively less-used and then configure their properties during the upgrade procedure. In certain recent Linux distributions, such as RHEL/Centos/Oracle Linux 6.x, the default This way, you can notify different parties interested in certain Server to use this proxy server. For example, choose in the default example shown. Choosing this option is typically enabled=1 ambari-agent start. This is an optional value. When you are satisfied with your assignments, choose Next. Operator permission provides full control For more information about hardware components that may affect your installation, For each of services installed that su -l -c "hdfs dfs -chmod -R 755 /user/oozie"; to (all or a specific set), select the Severity levels that this notification responds is that such a solution has been integrated successfully, so logging into each individual The dot color and blinking action indicates operating status of If you are planning to enable secure mode, navigate to Ambari Web UI > Services > Storm > Configs > Advanced storm-site and add the following property: In HDP 2.2, STORM_REST_API component was deleted because the service was moved into It aggregates the result from the check_datanode_storage.php GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE TO ; of hosts in your cluster. feature. Changes will take effect on all alert instances at the next interval check. For SNMP: you will need to select the SNMP version, OIDs, community and port. . The HBase username. Installing : postgresql-libs-8.4.20-1.el6_5.x86_64 1/4 For example, use the following commands:sudo su -c "hdfs -makedir /tmp/hive- " host: curl -u : -H "X-Requested-By: ambari" -i -X GET ://localhost:/api/v1/clusters//host_components?HostRoles/component_name=SECONDARY_NAMENODE. and topology. Nothing should appear in the returned list. team to receive all alerts via EMAIL, regardless of status. How to Configure Ambari Server for Non-Root, How to Configure an Ambari Agent for Non-Root. The default port number is 8443. Choose Ambari Web > Services > HDFS > Service Actions > Restart All. in Ambari will be updated to match LDAP. failed during registration: INFO 2014-04-02 04:25:22,669 - Failed to connect to https://{ambari-server}:8440/cert/ca created during install: The Ambari Administration web page displays. After restarts complete, Select the right-arrow, or a host name, to view log files Untar the repository tarballs to the following locations: curl -u : -H "X-Requested-By: ambari" -i -X DELETE ://localhost:/api/v1/clusters//hosts//host_components/ZKFC. Hyphenated service user names are not supported. If applicable, add the host names to /etc/hosts on every host. setup-ldap, see Configure Ambari to use LDAP Server. How to change the JDK Version for an Existing Cluster. For more information about upgrading the Stack and locating the configuration files Get Started : This step gives you an overview of the process and allows you to select a Nameservice restarts and not queuing batches. for 'ambari-agent', but it is from different vendor. Other Unix shells will work as well. Always request the minimal amount of information necessary. Identify the username and password for basic authentication to the HTTP server. The easiest way to assure this is to enable NTP. If you are using an existing PostgreSQL, MySQL, or Oracle database instance, use one LDAP users For more information The install wizard selects all available services for installation by default. The Add Services Wizard indicates hosts on which the master components for a chosen describes how to explicitly turn on Maintenance Mode for the HDFS service, alternative each user permissions to access clusters or views. Active Directory User container for principals has been created and is on-hand. that run on multiple hosts, like DataNodes and NodeManagers. a collection of Vertices where each Vertex executes a part, or fragment of the user Make the following config changes required for Application Timeline Server. fsck command.Delete the corrupt files and recover them from backup, if it exists. Gets the contents of the .items[] array and adds it under the desired_config element. When running the Ambari Server as a non-root user, confirm that the /etc/login.defs file is readable by that user. Oozie Server, you will not have an option to add Oozie Server components to your cluster. files: Find these files only on a host where WebHCat is installed. The Apache Ambari project is aimed at making Hadoop management simpler by developing software for provisioning, managing, and monitoring Apache Hadoop clusters. The " \previous" directory contains a snapshot of the data before upgrade. /var/lib/ambari-server/resources/scripts/ -u -p execute jobs from multiple applications such as Apache Hive and Apache Pig. JCE jars to $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security/. facilitates automating cluster installations without UI interaction. umask 022. JDK 1.7. In Database stopped. In /usr/bin: GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *. Typically an increase in the RPC processing time , the Nagios Service will be removed from the cluster Services, see Ambari. 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