Go to the marked location. Fire an arrow through it and guide it to a seed to the east. Now when outside go back to the Hall of gods and interact with Aphrodite to complete this quest.phew. You can bypass this a bit with aries's wrath. You can essentially use to pick up, put down and throw objects for both puzzles and enemy encounters. Over here call 2 crates using the terminal again but this time, you need to jump as high as you can and then glide or glide boost to the other side (Glide boost is needed for this next segment). The Immortals Fenyx Rising Arena Vault locations hide among the regular, puzzle-focused vaults. To get to any of the southern portions of this area, you need to climb to the top of the Hermes statue (using fast travel works). Now return to Hephaistos. Now before you go to get the lightning there is an Epic chest over where the puzzle just took place, use the vents you just opened to glide down there and reach the chest on the far end north. You should explore the area to find more materials and enemies to kill as you make your way to the objective marker. You will find the first orb inside, to get it push the metal block further in than pick up the orb and bring it to the slots. Now for the Vault itself. You will need to use Phosphor's clone to block the second crate to keep it from moving. The first seed can be destroyed using the flame pyre to your left and the second from the pyre on the north east. Immortals Fenyx Rising is a sprawling action game that brings you across several regions fighting monsters, restoring power to gods, and solving puzzles. East of the slots you will find an orb floating in a pond. This completes this quest, however the quest chain continues, this time in the grove of Kleos. Once the barrier is opened go inside and pull any of the objects on the pedestal to you to reactivate the barrier then use the terminal to permanently turn off the barrier. He isn't very strong with some typical giant enemy moves, his most vulnerable area are his legs which are easy to attack are his legs. To the left of the pedestal is a pillar on top of which is the chest for this vault, but you can't reach from here. Defeat the enemies and jump. The chest contains Zeus's lightning. Once you've found all the chests in a vault and Zeus' Lightning, it will seal up and you'll be unable to re-enter it. Collect the chest and proceed further in. even if your stamina is gone you can still jump once and then doge your way across the rest of the gaps. Keep going until you are past the laser traps, then use the wind to glide to the next tower. The weapons can be whichever you prefer. Once you finally arrive at the Hall of the Gods head inside. When it gets blocked by a barrier go stand on the pedestal to your left. There's exactly ONE youtube video I found in french with the comments turned off where he uses a stamina pot and immediately jumps and dashes but I can't make it work. Now the solution to the Left ball is as follows, step on the Left Pedestal to turn off red barriers, then step on the Right pedestal to lower the platform it needs to cross, this part can be messed up if the timing is bad. Inside is a Stone glare helmet. At it's core it's just like a harpy, stays in the air while using projectile attacks, but possessing of many unique attack abilities such as its charging attack. In the next tower keep on gliding through, as usual while changing wind direction and avoiding traps, eventually you will be made to return to the eastern tower. You can also easily ignore all of these guys and reach the end part, though note the chest here is guarded by one lone enemy in the fortress like section ahead. Deal with the flyers and small fries first, then hammer then spear. Go to Gaia's soul after collecting the tears. 5/4/04 - The invasion of the Spotheads. Cross the platforms to the other end you will need to fight two Gorgons. This one can be found east of the messenger's path, in deep chasm below on the border with the Gates of Tartaros. Here you need to find 2 pieces of a pillar and put them on the central one, the first is near the pillar the next is on the platform ahead. Whether you pour over our Immortals Fenyx Rising beginners guide or consult the best way to solve the games dozens of Vault of Tartaros puzzle stages in each of the games regions Kings Peak, the Valley of Eternal Spring, Wars Den, The Forgelands, and the Grove of Kleos our collection of walkthroughs will guide you throughout your journey and help you solve every puzzle along the way. This will remove that barrier and let you go in and activate the first terminal. Not much to say its a yellow Spear soldier. Now return to the Hall of the gods and speak to Athena. To the west is a building with a slot outside, roll the ball there though you may take damage from gas. However the barrier here will prevent you from accessing it. When you do place a phosphor clone on the western side of it to prevent it from going off if you change the wind direction. The Vault of Ares is one of the first core quests that you'll have to complete in Immortals: Fenyx Rising. Beating this is actually very easy, after you deal with the flying enemies, jump down to face it. Couldn't tell you for sure. River of Styx Cistern where you spend Charon coins to unlock new skills and new godly powers, or add effects to existing powers or skills. And then you have to fight the Medusa Imperious again. Now jump across to where the sphere landed in its slot and then move forward to the next puzzle. Now walk up to the forge and repair the armor. After defeating it go down the eastern path to get a chest and do another part of the puzzle in this segment. Now the vents will activate, leading to the end, BUT WAIT, we aren't done yet. Jump across the bridge, and make your way through to the other side. Once you reach the top of the tower walk to the Northern edge, and look down and open the chest. The first one on the right will turn off 2 red barriers which will impede the ball, the second will move parts of the course so that the sphere can continue on its path without falling off, essentially the path is incomplete unless this pedestal is stood on. You can bypass this process with heavy lifting easily. This Vault can be found in the South east portion of the region and is west of chest 6. The first one is made near you, and you can essentially push it to the slot using Triangle to move it. During the first part you will introduced to the Oricalcham blocks. Note: The arrows you have are limited to 6 but the regenerate over time. There is another fruit here to heal you. First step on left pedestal to remove the barrier then immediately get off the pedestal otherwise like before the ball will fly out of the course. Finally now collect the orb and return. For A New God it was a vault that you accessed from Clashing Rocks, for Myths of the Eastern Realm it was some cloud platforming, and The Lost Gods is this weather vault. This is ambrosia which you will use later. This is basically an end game boss so do not bother fighting it if you havent completed more than 1 or 2 regions. Really the best way to deal with this beast is to have Phosphor bombard him and attack him while he is staggered and stun it with some axe attacks or godly powers. During the scenes you will get the last Blessing. Anyway, once you arrive further in you will find and need to collect the axe. Just break the crystal once the barrier is gone. In the exact same area where the Krystalline mount is found North of small Lyre 3. Break them all then defeat the 2 harpies here. Use the terminal here too. After Hermes he will gain a ground attack, after Hephaistos a tentacle attack. Then return to Athena and she will say you need to go save a bird (Phosphor), if you haven't completed Bolt from the Blue you need to do it now to proceed. This will be MUCH easier if you sneak up on them land a stealth attack on them. Right across from it is a pyre which will be unlocked by standing on this pedestal. After fighting the Minotaur there is a pillar you can pick up (similar to the one you can assemble at one of the other vaults), but I cannot figure out what to do with it. After that destroy the statue with your axe or a godly power to reveal the vault. Difficult Vaults will have an extra chest at the end near Zeus's Lightning, while the long Vaults for Aphrodite, Ares, Hesphaestos and so on will have up to five chests hidden about. During the next scenes you will receive Aphrodite's last blessing. This is probably too late for OP, but I came here looking for help, didn't find anything that worked, tried again anyway, and figured it out. Aside from being easy to stun and easy to avoid, you can use the above Potion method to finish it off very quickly. So you just need any objects you can find and place on these 2 pedestals. Take the key to the area behind the forge marked on the map. Glide down to the door on the cliffs and interact with it. Now once you are up here use L1+Triangle to pull up both crates and do the same here on this floor. When it is in place activate the terminal, do this for both to remove the barriers and retrieve all 3 orbs. Go north from the eagle statue and follow the path and torches till you reach a dead end with water and 2 lightable pyres, use the 3rd pyre in front to light them and then dive under water. It's basically a stronger version of Aphrodite's Boss. But In his video it didn't seem like he was so im totally at a loss. Now the final section. Now return to the quest start point at the 1st Odysseus challenge to submit the quest. Make your way to where the gas was dispelled from and make your way through, notice a hole in the north wall, this leads to a chest with 1 Zeus' lightning. Immortals Fenyx Rising - Weather Apocalypse Complete The Vault 264 views May 27, 2022 No commentary Enjoyed the video? Technically speaking you can freely roam the entire world.except this world isn't very hospitable to a normal human, you can swim and dive under water or even climb the rocks in the surroundings etc, but you won't be able to get far as you are now. Anyway head back up to the top of the observatory where you got the epic chest to meet with the Stranger. After reaching the second check point do the same thing again, use 2 crates to go up to the next floor, and pull them both up here, now there are flame shooting heads ahead, however they are too high up reach you, these are aimed at you carrying the crates to the next jumping point. After you pile them up on each other jump on and wait to reach the top. This vault is so bad it makes me want to go ahead and call it quits on the whole game lol such a terrible idea. Stand on the person pedestal and throw the 2 remaining cubes up through an opened barrier on to an anvil pedestal. When you are ready to proceed with the Athena quest line head to the archives marked on the map. These are movement based timed challenges you can attempt. The correct order is the 3 on the left (starting from the bottom), the 2 on the top left (starting from left most), the 2 on the top right and the last 2 on the bottom right. Play as Fenyx, a new, winged demigod, on a quest to save the Greek gods. This is the yellow area just northeast of the statue. From here keep going and you will reach some stairs. Then after confirming it hasn't step on the Left pedestal again for the remainder, if all goes well it should reach the slot. Aphrodite's Beauty Chair will let you change Fenyx's appearance whenever and however you want. The game takes players back to the days of Greek mythology where the gods have been captured by an abhorrent monster, Typhon. Since I posted this I restarted the vault and a pop up said it was tied to the Lost Gods dlc which apparently isn't out until next week? While on the left path when you are close enough jump and glide down to the chest. Also she will directly reference the thing i mentioned earlier at the base of her statue which needs all 4 Crests from the wraiths. On the path from the lake you can find nearly all types of materials, and you will eventually see a group of red enemies with shields and weapons like you have before, these guys are guarding a chest. Phosphor is perfect for distracting him too. Now go back to the forge area and go down the Northern path, here you need to enter the Eastern tower by changing the wind direction and gliding. Once up here you will find the locked chest and a feather pedestal. The challenge itself is very easy especially with precision shot. Once you do the other will almost be in place. Go back down to the Constellation challenge. Next just throw some coal into the other furnace and light it up. The air dodge helps big time. Then jump down below, find a board and kill it. Though there is a weird scene before. If you haven't collected the tears yet here are 3 Vaults which you need to clear. Get ready for a fight and pull the lever. After that 4 of them for Round 3. The third puzzle is again the very same as before with a few changed. Removing both will activate lasers so keep that in mind (the metal cubes can blocks lasers too). Now ignore any paths blocked by gas or the one leading to the other end of the fork. Read the tablet here and glide down, defeat all the enemies and then pick the stone foot in the center, bring and attach it to the Achilles statue. This overgrown bear is a very easy and simple enemy. You will now enter a tutorial battle, with some nice narration. Product Information. You can keep following the torches which will lead to more ledge jumping or you can climb up to Constellation challenge 2 and take the right route from there to reach the next point faster. Once you reach the first check point and defeat two enemies, stand on the pedestal. Bring as many potions of every kind as you can. I got through this my first time, and Im trying to figure out why people are having problems. Do this for the middle and right sides too, also remember to go all the way to the end on the middle path so you can get the chest, which has Zeus' Lightning in it. Pull it and jump across the platforms to your east, pull the next lever, to turn on a moving platform. The first chest is behind the big wooden crate to the west and has an ambrosia inside. See below. Now climb back up using ledges. Reward: Ambrosia, Guardian's Axe, 910x Blue Adamantine Shards, and 205x Yellow Adamantine Shards. Next interact with the Athena statue. Luckily your using a guide. And now we take the South east path. Every time one does Typhon will add a new move to his repertoire. This will be the last time though. North west path can be reached the same way as the others by climbing blocks. Watch the scenes and then jump into the Vault. Head to the marked location. Stand on it and then shoot your Apollo arrow through the pyre and all those barriers to hit the seed at the end. I don't recommend exploring yet, as you do not have the lay of the land just yet this region is the largest so you do not wanna wander around aimlessly. Reward: Ambrosia, 1,825x Blue Adamantine Shards, and 395x Adamantine Yellow Shards. As i said before you can basically go look at anything you have revealed on the map but you have limited ability right now so continue with the story objectives for now. Once you arrive at the Observatory you will see a platform with 16 circular slots and an orb in one of them. Approach the marked location, and watch the scenes. Now go see Aries. The axe lets you cut down trees, which will get you golden amber (you can tell which ones have them based on the glowing yellow stumps). Bring the sphere across it. There are 2 Large rocks to the left and right of the pedestals, one on the cliffs nearby and the other in the water from where you came through the cave. After the scenes reach the top of the Forge. After you will be able to collect the quest item Salpinx. Im not seeing a broken pillar to assemble it. You will find this Vault north west of Fresco challenge 3, in a temple near a village. Now get on the platform for the next part. For the first part Activate the terminal and 2 crates will appear one over the other. Place one crate on it to activate the vents, use the vents the other side. The last part of this path requires you to place something on an anvil pedestal so throw one of the blocks from high up but be careful they don't go off course. Then at the 2nd vents, destroy all the crystals and then place the small metal cube on the pedestal. Take the left platform, use far sight to find the chest. Once done go on through the door collect the item and leave. Basically follow the lasers to get the correct order. When you find all 4 a hidden quest will open. The Vault of Typhon marks the true Immortals Fenyx Rising ending. Finally change the wind direction, place the metal cube on the anvil pedestal and you are done with this puzzle. If you go at the normal pace with running you'll have just enough stamina to jump up to the first fireball heads. In addition to the above quests as you have now arrived and unlocked all 4 regions you can complete the Nike Sub quest, this entails finding all 4 Nike fragments in all 4 regions (not including clashing rocks). You will get the last color for the War armor and an ambrosia. See below: A suped up Cyclops found in the very south east corner of this region. But a bit different. Dodge behind it to avoid this. After the scene you will have a new objective. Spring is a unique mount in Immortals: Fenyx Rising. If you already did that then the scenes continue, here are the legendary beasts' Locations, however they will now be marked on the map so you do not need to worry about finding them. Polygons guides will help you make the most of your adventure, even helping you find the best horse to ride in the games opening moments. To break it down simply for you though, ideally you should have Brood of Typhon helm, Breastplate of the eagle, buff potions at the ready and basically just use Aries wrath to stun and then lay into him with sword combos. The Cauldron of Circe lets you use the materials (Pomegranates, Mushrooms, Figs and Nectar) to make potions with effects such as healing or recovering stamina for the obvious two, and boosting attack power and defense power for purple and yellow potions respectively. This time, it's Arnold Schwarzenegger taking over your next binge weekend. The fate of the world is at stake - you are the. More on all that when you can actually use them. If you have buff potions you can easily defeat him. Then go to the Moria tree sanctuary. Get on the platform as it moves you west. See the exploration sections of each region to find where they are. Go out here and find the terminal to complete this part. Go to the left most puzzle, break the corrupted crystal and place the cube on the anvil pedestal, then go inside the thrown room ahead and find another cube, place this one on the anvil pedestal too. Now after the scenes collect the chests and head back to the hall of the gods and put an end to these chicken puns. This is the final vault and the final boss, this is your point of no return.The Final boss is on a whole other level health wise then other enemies if you really want to damage to him effectively i highly recommend having upgraded everything to max level and unlock all skills + having mastery on several things to have an easier and quicker time on Hard or above otherwise you should be good at just a full upgrade. Now shoot the target ahead to open the path forward. This puzzle is different you need to use the blocks as bridges to make sure a metal sphere reaches it's goal slot. HenriQuartz 2 years ago #3. 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